In one of the lessons we were introduced with glitching. A glitch is a shot-lived fault in a system, an error that can cause problems within the code. A glitch is something that normally affects software in a bad way. However there are people who started glitching on purpose and making it into art. Images can not only be viewed on a screen as we used to see, but they can be read in code too. A single word put or deleted in a code can cause a glitch. I tried it myself. The first time when I did it, the error occurred and I couldn't open the photograph. But I tried once more and this time it worked.
I chose to edit the image that I took during this module, when we were experimenting with film cameras. Below is an original photograph:
I opened it on textedit and started deleting some of the text or copying and pasting text in a different place. That is how it looks at the beginning:
And this is the final photograph:
I like the final image, but I found the process to be quite boring. So decided not to do anything more with it and try something else.