Areas of Photographic Practice B - MIS


This module is designed to be experimental. Using a media other than stills based or camera based image making you must devise a body of work that pushes the conventions, and results in you working outside of your comfort zone (aesthetically/ conceptually/ stylistically).

Allan Sekula
[Photographer, writer, and theorist, b. 1951, Erie, Pennsylvania, d. 2013, Los Angeles.]

“Despite the powerful impression of reality (imparted by the mechanical registration of a moment of reflected light according to the rules of normal perspective), photographs, in themselves, are fragmentary and incomplete utterances.”

John Updike
[Writer, b. 1932, Shillington, Pennsylvania, d. 2009, Boston, Massachusetts.]

“A photograph presents itself not only as a visual representation, but as evidence, more convincing than a painting because of the unimpeachable mechanical means whereby it was made. We do not trust the artist’s flattering hand; but we do trust film, and shadows, and light.”

Jim Goldberg
[Photographer, b. 1953, New Haven, Connecticut, lives in San Francisco.]

“[A photograph] is a part of the evidence. I’m not saying it’s the truth—it’s part of the evidence.”


Component 1 (60%) 1-12 Images (or equivalent – Moving Image/ 3D/ Installation etc.) Printed or electronic format (appropriate to the work produced)

Component 2 (40%) Research (Blog and/ or Sketchbook) documenting engaged analysis of your influences, choices, and decisions made during the module.


Friday 15 January 2016